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       Downstar Inc. was founded in 2009 by Frank Garcia. Back in the forum days, Frank was in the process of building his 1992 Honda Civic EG6 SIR-S. Frank displayed all of his work in his build thread on NWP4LIFE, a very popular Honda forum that was based out of Southern California. When Frank was on the hunt for some hardware to finish his EG6 he realized that there wasn't an easy and affordable solution. Coming from the Hot Rod community, dress up hardware was a very common product. He was surprised that replacement hardware for Hondas wasn't readily available. 

        Most of the fasteners on the EG6 were either rusted or lost in transit when the car made it's way from Japan. Frank needed to find a solution and reached out to a local hardware store for help. After picking up a few 10mm bolts, he took pictures of them installed and posted them on the build thread. Shortly after, a fellow forum member reached out asking were to find the bolts that he just installed. Frank being a hustler said "Well... you can get them from me for $1 ea." and that's where it all started.

        Fast forward to now, Downstar has become a household name in not only the Honda community but in the automotive community in general. Frank is also the host of "Downtime With Downstar" Podcast which has 230+ episodes and has recently opened a skateboard shop in Ventura, CA.